Nothing’s more heartwarming than when someone wishes you a happy birthday out of the blue. With our new app, you can make your team members feel just as valued on their special day. 

  • Creating a Birthday Notification app
    • Click on the Birthday app within your app gallery to add it and fill in the app details as follows:
      1. Name is required for the app and an optional Description for it.
      2. Type your Wish!
      3. Import the dates in an CSV format.
      4. Check the following paragraph for more details.
      5. Choose the CSV’s date format, the orientation for your birthday app and finally the font colors, background colors, etc.
      6. Set the Default Duration that the app will appear in a playlist.
      7. You can set the Play From/Play Until parameters. In other words, you can select the expiration date, which means that you can choose the exact date and time that this app will play in your playlist. We recommend selecting the “Always” and “Forever” settings for the app to never expire.
    • Click “Save,” and your app is ready to use. Assign it to your player and the player will display the relative graph.
  • CSV format
    • You can create a text file and save it as CSV having inside the following format:
      • 1986-12-25,John Doe
      • 1957-02-15,Jane Doe
    • Otherwise, from an excel file having in the 1st column the birthdates and in the 2nd column the names, export it as CSV.
    • Since the app appears only on the dates when there is a birthday to be displayed, you can test it by adding a fake birthdate to the current day.

TIP Allow Transparency: If you have future dates in your CSV, and you have placed the app in your layout, enable the transparency option. The app will hide until a future day arrives. When this happens, the app will appear on the TV screen with the relative birthday message.