Creating an Account

  1. Reach your team to send you the link for sign-up.
  2. In the form that appears, type in your details:
    • Your Full Name
    • Your Email
      • ❕You will receive a notification on this email, so make sure it is real. You can change it later on.
    • A Password for logging in.
    • Make sure you have read the Terms of Service and, if you agree, tick the checkbox in the form.
    • If you want to receive a newsletter every 6 weeks with the new features,  tick this option.
  3. Click the “Register” button.
  4. Your signup should be processed in a few seconds, please wait.
  5. When the signup process has been completed, you should automatically log into your newly created Account.

Logging into your Account

  1. Go to the Portal.
  2. In the form that appears, type in your access details (the ones you used/received when your account was created):
  3. Your email
  4. Your password
  5. Click the “Login” button.
  6. After a few seconds, you should be logged into your Account

Resetting your Account

If you have trouble accessing your account, try resetting your password, or you can always contact your sales/support representative.